Sharing is vital to the success of BI projects, because every one involved in the process must have full access to information to be able to change the ways that they work.
- BI projects should start with top executives, but the next group of users should be salespeople. Because their job is to increase sales and because they‘re often compensated on their ability to do so, they‘ll be more likely to embrace any tool that will help them do just that–provided, of course, the tool is easy to use and they trust the information.
- With the help of BI systems, employees modify their individual and team work practices, which leads to improved performance among the sales teams. When sales executives see a big difference in performance from one team to another, they work to bring the laggard teams up to the level of the leaders.
- Once you get sales people on board, you can use them to help get the rest of your organization on the BI bandwagon. They‘ll serve as evangelists, gushing about the power of the tools and how BI is improving their lives.
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