Business Performance Management Software | Business Intelligence Software

With today‘s BI tools, business folks can jump in and start analyzing data themselves, rather than wait for IT to run complex reports. This democratization of information access helps users back up – with hard numbers – business decisions that would otherwise be based only on gut feelings and anecdotes.

Although BI holds great promise, implementations require overcoming technical and cultural challenges. Executives have to ensure that the data feeding BI applications is clean and consistent so that users trust it.

Biztrak Business Performance Management Software

Biztrak BPM software delivers Fast, Resource-Efficient Access to Business information providing users with self-service answers to critical questions.

Users can easily explore, analyse and report using the interface they prefer.

Today's Corporate Environment

You need to work with Windows, UNIX, browsers, and spreedsheets, and handle masses of data, in different formats, on different systems, with little or no compatibility, and each accessible in a unique way.

Maybe your environment includes ERP, Supply Chain, CRM, and legacy systems.

You may also have a data warehouse that turned out to be too large to navigate easily or to provide the information users want at the speed they expect.

You need to be able to mix and match all the pieces of the system puzzle so that users can get the information in the format they need, accessing a seamless source of information that provides fast answers.

Biztrak BPM sofware lets you interact with multiple measures simultaneously to get an immediate grasp of what is driving your business.

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